

Dressing for the desert in the middle of winter
is actually not as hard as it seems...

Can you spot the photobomber?

I expected the weather in the desert during Christmas time to be, well, quite cold. However, it was completely the opposite--I mean the sun was out and it was peaking over 80 degrees! As I checked the weather app on my phone (as I always do when packing for trips out of town) I realized it would be easy to pack since I did not require many of articles of clothing to layer. It would be like summer all over again. Of course, I would be lying if I didn't say the heat was a bit disappointing. It's winter! I think SoCal deserved some cold, hand-rubbing, coat-wearing weather, no?

With the weather forecast in mind, I decided to wear this outfit to the national park: I added the denim shirt around my waist as an ode to the winter weather that could have been. Also, it would have come in handy if, IF, the weather decided to change and drop in temperature.

Oh, and Happy New Year! 

-Striped Shirt--American Apparel
-Denim Shirt--Secondhand
-Boots--Dr. Martens 1460

Writing up those resolutions, 
