How in the world was I blessed
to live with such great "sweetmates"?

roomies <3
Although the thought of living with over ten other girls, all sharing toilets and shower stalls, may sound daunting to most people (including myself), residing in such a space with these people has made my college experience one to remember. It's crazy to think that only several months ago we were complete strangers...

From staying up late having deep talks about our lives to waking each other up making sure we go to class, the girls in U-Crew have definitely formed a friendship that I personally think will last. We've made memories that we can probably recall and laugh about in a couple years and we've learned the best and worst of each other. I'm so glad that I can call ya'll both suitemates and  friends; I don't think many people get to say that. Thank you for your kindness, for dealing with my weirdness, and for taking pictures of my awkward self in all those other blog posts~

There aren't enough words to describe my love and appreciation for each and every one of you. Even though we won't all be together next school year (ya'll better visit Cassie and me down in lowers), I'm glad I got to share an important chapter of my life with the most entertaining, wonderful people. 

Yours truly, 

p.s.-you're included in this too awkmanda :')