

Sometimes, you just have to force yourself to be inspired

...and I mean that in the best way possible. 

The last time I uploaded a post on this blog, I was still somewhere having the time of my life in Europe. I returned from my trip studying abroad in Rome on Christmas Eve. After 4 days of not eating shortly thereafter (due to a nasty, NASTY illness) I kind of lost motivation for all the creative aspects of life. Basically, I was overwhelmed by the amount of editing and photographing and videotaping and instagramming (you get it) that I had done in Europe and I really just wanted a break.

Boy, was it ever so difficult to get my head out of that break. It took me a whole month and a half to push myself to becoming a more creative thinker. I had forgotten how passionate I had once been and how much I really enjoyed creating new and exciting content. It wasn't after a sermon I heard one Sunday about God allowing us to have not only good work, but also good rest that it clicked. He meant for us to use the talents He gave us and that it is truly good to embark in those activities. For me, that entails going out on adventures and capturing precious moments on my camera. It means that I can take time to write out my thoughts and share it on the web. I can actually learn to enjoy the countless hours spent editing videos and photos to post for others to enjoy. 

So here's the beginning of a "re-vamp" in my creative life! 

These photos were captured President's Day--we had a mini photo-turned-food adventure in San Diego on a blistering hot day. Good food, good photos, and good company!

Talk to ya'll very soon, 


P.S.-Check out my latest video on you YouTube channel!
P.P.S.-I've also updated my Flickr with more HQ photos!
P.P.P.S-The Rachel Studio is up and back in business! Contact my email for appointments/inquiries!