Hey there!

Let me give you a recap of my life before explaining this DIY: So for the past 2 weeks this summer, I've been working a job at an SAT tutoring place as a secretary/assistant teacher (oh, the irony of working at an institution I so fervently wished to escape several years ago). It's not so bad really: I get a decent pay and my workload is very manageable. But... everyday is the same old mundane routine-- I get up, drop off my mom at work, go back home and get ready for my job, go to my job, finish work, pick up my mom from work, and go home and eat/watch netflix/visit the library and borrow books&DVDs. Did I mention that it's summer? 
I really thought that this summer was going to be a the summer of a lifetime before I attend college. Haha. Reality check, Rachel. You need  money to have fun and you need a job to get money right? Right.
Thus, a job was taken and summer life was less exciting than expected. Of course, since my cousin is here visiting from Korea, our family took trips out of town but during the weekdays when I work, it's impossible to have fun (my work takes up a huge chunk out of the day 11AM-4PM)
Anyway, I did this incredibly fast and easy DIY to make myself feel better and to share with you guys.
Here goes!

You need:
- a pair of sunglasses (in this case I chose a simple rounded pair my grandma sent from Korea)
- a hot glue gun with glue of course 
- some pretty flower beads with flat backs (I got mine off of Ebay; it's not listed anymore but click here to see similar ones)
- that's it!

How to:
1. Plug in hot glue gun and let it warm up
2. Once it's ready place a small dot near the bridge of your sunglasses wear your nose would be.
3. Quickly place your bead and hold for about 4 seconds
4. Continue Steps 2-3 until satisfied 
5. Do Steps 2-4 for the other side
6. And voila! 

This literally takes about 5 minutes. Told ya it was the easiest DIY ever.

Good luck,



Social Media Overload

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the internet? How about your smartphone, with all it's apps and downloads? Are these social networking sites- like facebook, twitter, etc- putting a little burden on  you? too.

It seems like yesterday I was scrolling down, dressing up my Barbie in different outfits and putting copious amounts of makeup on her digital face. Now, I am faced with the everyday challenge of coming up with a witty comment to tweet, liking a friend's photo on facebook, and reblogging every other post on tumblr. You're probably wondering: this is just another post on how social media is so overrated and she's going to go on and on complaining about it's effect on society blah, blah, blah. 
Well, you're half correct. 
It's become increasingly apparent that teens and even many adults are cooped up in their own little world, digitally updating and documenting their entire life for everyone to see. People in their home, on the bus, and even at restaurants are all focused on some kind of electronic device that pulls them into a never-ending ocean of social media and other sorts of entertainment. I even recall a mother and son at Elephant Bar who literally sat down with both their eyes glued to an iphone screen they each held, ate their meals through complete silence (still hanging on to their iphones), and left the table barely able to take their mind off of the devices. But it really isn't just that. It's the fact that once you get hooked on to a social network, you suddenly feel an obligation to go back to it, to update it, to like and share on it. I still feel that way, especially with this blog that I'm pretty sure no one ever reads anyway. How can this force be stopped? Simple- it can't. Social media is too inundated in society to leave, plus it brings people together from all over the world.
The only solution is in your own moderation. Take a break every once in a while. Leave your smartphone, your tablet, your laptop to go hang out with friends, exercise, or even cook!
Believe me, you'll feel a lot better about yourself. And besides, you can always tweet about it after.

Always keeping it cool,



I know dip-dye is so 2012, but I still can't help wanting to bleach the tips of my jet black hair and color it in a lovely shade of lilac/lavender. Of course, my mom would never agree and she'd probably disown me if I ever did dye my hair. I kind of think the urge to dip-dye my hair derives from my desire to break racial bonds- being Korean and conservative has finally taken its toll.

OK, so maybe I'm being too dramatic. But whatever the case, I hope I can still manage to somehow dye my hair in colors other than the norm. If not now, maybe later.. (ahem, when I'm 18 aka legally an adult).
For now, I'll just fantasize with pictures of enchanted hair with colors all shades of the rainbow.



(I personally like this shade as well)


Unconventional, yet very aesthetic Christmas Tree
Feathers dipped in gold glitter add the finishing touch
Paper snowflakes make an easy decoration
Let your reflection glow...literally
Lights around you bed emit warm feelings

To celebrate my first blog post, I wanted to showcase some photos of easy and simple DIY's that can instantly brighten up the holiday season. The first two photos are from the Free People Blog (you can search key words or search through the DIY tab). Paper snowflakes are also another easy, fun way to decorate! All you need is some white printer paper, scissors and a good cutting hand. Christmas lights are also another simple and delicate tool to further put on that holiday spirit. Wrap lights around your bed post, window panes, or mirror to get a season long glow.

Season's Greeting!
